
September, 20

Tips To Help You Get Whiter Teeth

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We all want to look great, and healthy teeth creates healthy smiles. Whiting your teeth can be a benefit not only for your look, but for the health of your mouth as well. Use these tips below to make those pearly whites shine and promote overall wellness for the health of your mouth.

Try not to drink water that contains fluoride or using any toothpaste that contains it. Contrary to the popular belief that it is good for your teeth it has been shown to have a staining effect! Other countries have all together banned the use of it in their water because of dangers.

When you are whitening your teeth, remember that there are limitations to what it can do. If you have had extensive dental treatments like caps, bridges or crowns, these will not be whitened by the treatment that you are using. You will have to have this work replaced to match your new whiter smile.

Use natural tooth whiteners, such as baking soda, orange peels, or lemon peels. Mixing any of these with a little salt can make an excellent cheap tooth whitening product. Be sure to wash your mouth out thoroughly after using any of these methods, as the harsh acids can damage your teeth.

Teeth whitening products can make your teeth more sensitive. This is probably a temporary solution, but it still causes a lot of pain. If your teeth do become sensitive, discontinue use of the product and see your dentist. He might be able to tell you of another system that will not bother your teeth.

Beverages that contain acid or carbonation are best drunk with a straw to help keep your teeth white. By using a straw you can divert the beverages past the teeth and prevent some of the staining potential. Try not to fill your mouth with beverage when drinking as this will defeat the purpose of the straw.

Use a straw when drinking highly acidic beverages, such as sodas or citrus juices. Using a straw will help divert the acid away from your teeth, into your mouth, which can keep it from causing damage to your teeth. Gray teeth are often caused by thinning tooth enamel, so protecting your tooth enamel will keep your teeth whiter.

Buy a tooth whitening product that contains about 15% of the whitening agent. Too little of the whitening chemicals and the product will be ineffective. Too much, and your mouth may become irritated by the harshness of the chemical. Try out a mid-range product; if you tolerate it well and you aren’t getting good results, then move to a higher concentration.

Pay close attention to the state of your mouth when using at-home teeth whitening products. For some people these treatments can cause temporary, mild tooth sensitivity. If you are using a product with a tray that does not fit your mouth well this can irritate your gums. Discontinue the treatments if you experience discomfort or pain.

Whitening products usually only work for natural teeth which are stained and yellow and may not have an affect on grey teeth. Badly discolored teeth will likely require several treatments before improvement is seen.

To make sure your teeth stay looking great, see your dentist regularly. Even if you have healthy teeth, it’s important to monitor them. Frequent dental visits will assure that problems are caught before damage can be done to your teeth. It’s the best way to make sure that your pearly whites will keep on sparkling.

Although bleaching is among the most effective teeth whitening methods, it can cause your teeth to become more porous and can damage your enamel if you do it too much. It can also contribute to tooth sensitivity, and make your teeth even more susceptible to stains.

Tooth whitening is one of the subjects when the idea that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is especially true. It is possible to whiten your teeth but it is much easier to avoid having the problem in the first place. This can be done by avoiding specific things like coffee.

Try to change your toothbrush or the head of your electric toothbrush, every two to three months, for a whiter smile. If you do not, the bacteria that is in your mouth collects on the brush and then you keep distributing that back into your mouth, every time you use it.

Eat natural “brushing” food. The most common natural “toothbrush” that you can eat is an apple. The texture helps to eliminate stains on your teeth. Other foods that can help scrub your teeth are veggies like celery and raw carrots and snacks like popcorn. Eat them at the end of your meal if you cannot brush at that time.

One important teeth whitening tip is to make sure that you avoid mouthwashes. While many companies claim that they are beneficial to your oral health, they can actually cause more harm than good by staining your teeth. The alcohol in mouthwashes can also dry out your mouth which will lead to bacteria growth.

Chomp on herbs like parsley and cilantro to naturally strengthen and protect your teeth. The bacteria fighting properties of these herbs can help prevent stains on your teeth. However, this method should not be used as a brushing replacement.

If you want whiter teeth, avoid drinking coffee. Coffee drinkers often stain their teeth a deep yellow color. Removing these stains can be very difficult, costly, and time consuming. Keeping your teeth white in the first place is the surest way to guarantee a sparkling smile for years to come.

As you just read, there are many quick and healthy ways to keep your teeth shining and white. Improving the health of your teeth can improve the health of your mouth as well. White teeth can give you the confidence you have been lacking and a healthy smile can open doors to a great self-esteem.

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